Imaginary PLN Plan

Social media is the backbone of a PLN development. Several platforms integrate marketing, business, psychology, and creativity to contribute to a brand or identity. In order to create a holistic online identity it is imperative to incorporate several platforms to represent and explain your brand/mission statement.

The topic I chose for the hypothetical creation of a PLN is midwife services and information. The demographic for this topic consists of mostly women, and those who are seeking to be pregnant, or who are already pregnant. The age of my audience would range from 16-45. I would create a social media campaign by utilizing platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and a website.

My first step would be to create a brand. In order to do this I need to showcase my proficiency and credentials. This would include a page with information about me, my education, by background, and my experience. In order to expand my outreach and make sure my brand is inclusive, I can develop this brand onto several different platforms.

Once my identity is created, I can provide the relevant information to my audience. This could look like goods/services that midwifes provide. It could also incorporate what to expect if you hire a midwife, and the benefits of having the support.

In order to capture an audience and have them decide to follow through with business, the social media platforms need to showcase the same information/credentials, and be user friendly. The platforms should be inviting and designed for those who will be viewing them. Given the predicted demographic, they could use themes with pastel colors and heartwarming photos of mothers with their babies.

Incorporating information, creativity, services, and a call-to-action will represent a holistic brand. Showcasing these variables on several platforms will lead to a greater breadth of interaction with the brand.