Blog 10

 Consider this week's guest 

This week’s guest is Mo Amir, a podcast host, a commentator at CKNW, and a general manager at a forestry company. Mo explains how he developed his PLN, specifically how he grew his podcast. He states that Twitter has been the main catalyst in the expansion of his online presence with the podcast and his time with CKNW. Mo says the reason for this is the back-and-forth that happens on Twitter. Twitter allows for direct communication with many people. He says it is a medium that requires personal boundaries in order to be successful, but if it is used wisely then it is a useful and informative platform. Mo also speaks to reputation, and the importance of working well with others, providing direction, and maintaining a respectful disposition. This has enabled Mo to speak with ‘high profile’ guests on his podcast.

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

Mo is a great example of how PLN’s contribute to the development of professional aspects of life. Mo created his network through several media platforms, an important one being Twitter. He set his intentions for content he develops, and this has lead him to interact with other online professionals in the same media realm. This is how professionalism is done through PLN’s; like minded individuals creating content and forming communities intended to develop professional interests.

 Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

The consensus I derived from the reading this week is that communication has a remarkable impact on our culture, and as we grow and develop as a society we influence the nature of our communication. This leads me to this weeks questions about PLN’s and their ability to be relied for professional opportunities, the answer is it depends on how you interact with both society and communication technologies. In other words, in terms of PLN usage, what you put into it is what you get out of it. If you set your PLN up for professional opportunities then you will interact with like-minded users and communicate with professional intentions. The reading suggests that complex technologies should be considered as environments, rather than tools. Therefore, interacting with specific environments can offer countless opportunities. This speaks to the questions regarding existing limitations and PLN’s. Using this point of view, there are no limitations because current digital technologies offer endless opportunities.


M. Guidice, M. Peruta. E. Caravannis (2014). Social Media and Emerging Economies. ISBN : 978-3-319-02489-9

A Global PLN – Supporting One Another – Course YouTube Channel
